
Colossalcon East
So, I was put on the waitlist for Colossalcon East a couple months ago. I got on the in person waitlist, was second in line. I get a call 30...
Colossalcon East
So, I was put on the waitlist for Colossalcon East a couple months ago. I got on the in person waitlist, was second in line. I get a call 30...

Tuesday, April 2nd
I didn't want to post this yesterday, cause I didn't want it to seem like an April fools day joke. But the last few weeks have been BUSY. I just...
Tuesday, April 2nd
I didn't want to post this yesterday, cause I didn't want it to seem like an April fools day joke. But the last few weeks have been BUSY. I just...

Colossalcon Texas
Hello! Finally back from Colossalcon Texas, after a five hour lay over in Chicago. But, hey, storms happen! We had so much fun, even with a few hiccups. Definitely flying was...
Colossalcon Texas
Hello! Finally back from Colossalcon Texas, after a five hour lay over in Chicago. But, hey, storms happen! We had so much fun, even with a few hiccups. Definitely flying was...
The Beginning...
Hello! Thank you so much for visiting my shop, where ever you might be! I'm not sure how you found this place, but please let me say thank you so...
The Beginning...
Hello! Thank you so much for visiting my shop, where ever you might be! I'm not sure how you found this place, but please let me say thank you so...