Post ColossalCon and Animate!

Post ColossalCon and Animate!

Hello all! I have some updates for you!

First off, thank you so much for all your support and for the kind words you have all shared with me who may have seen me during these times. As some of you may know, I am currently going through a new manufacture. The old process is no longer working, and that is due to some issues I've been having. 
Long story short, I have been informed that despite using the same sticker, laminate and process for the last two years, they are now fading. This is unacceptable to me as a business and also as a sticker lover. I do not want to produce something that is not up to par to what I want. For this, I am sorry that I have let you guys down with my products. I am trying to become better and be better for the future, cause I don't  want to stop this.
I am currently looking at a couple different manufactures that produces car grade stickers. I will be having a sale with my old stock, just so I do not just throw away all of my old stickers. With that being said, their will be a google form once I have everything car grade. 

With that being said, I am excited to have everything coming in and doing so much more! Once I have the peace of mind that everything is car grade, I will be drawing a whole lot more (again). Also, peep all the new items that will be coming to the shop soon..
I just thought of doing a google doc for requests.... sooo keep an eye out for both of those!

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